Linksys wrt54g2 Router Support
If you are having problems with your Linksys wrt54g2 router, the first place to look is on the support page. Here you can read faq's and search forums and get answers from the actual people who make them.
Linksys wrt54g2 Manual
If you are looking for the manual for your Linksys wrt54g2 router, you can find it here.
Accessing Your wrt54g2 Router Homepage
You can access your wrt54g2 router by typing the address "" into the address bar of your favorite browser. You will be asked to enter your username and password. The default password for the wrt54g2 is "admin". Leave the username blank. Select "OK" and you are in. Here you can change all the settings. Be careful, though, as you can change settings that will kill your wireless signal. If you are going to change settings, make sure that you are physically connected to the wrt54g2 router via a lan cable.
If you have changed the username and password from the default don't worry. Look on the back of the router, and in between the ac port and the lan ports you will see a little red button. Use a paper clip or a pencil tip to hold the button in for about 30 seconds. That will restore all router settings to their factory settings.
Dowload Firmware for Linksys wrt54g2
You can get the firmware for your Linksys wrt54g2 router here and clicking on the "downloads" tab.